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Design principle of lightning arrester
Pageviews: Release date:2021-06-15

In view of the various kinds of lightning arresters in the market now, the quality is uneven, and there are some even smells not asked (such as: no grounding arrester, so far, do not understand the principle of its work). Therefore, by introducing the working principle and composition of the lightning arrester, it is helpful to the customers to discriminate true and false and good and bad.

There are two kinds of lightning protector components, which are soft and hard. The discharge elements belonging to the hard response characteristics have spark gap (the angle type spark gap and the coaxial discharge spark gap based on the chopping arc technology) and the gas discharge tube. The discharge elements which belong to the soft response characteristics have the metal oxide varistor and the transient suppression diode. The difference between these components is the discharge capacity, the response characteristic and the residual pressure. The lightning arrester is to use their different advantages and disadvantages, and to combine them into various lightning arresters and protect the circuits.

